
Prior News & Announcements

AGCRC releases Draft Multiyear Implementation Plan for 45-day public comment period
ADCNR Announces Two RESTORE Council-Selected Restoration Component Awards
AGCRC Selects Projects for Inclusion in Draft Multiyear Implementation Plan and Draft State Expenditure Plan
AGCRC releases list of State Expenditure Plan Request for Evaluation (RFE) Projects
AGCRC seeks Spill Impact Component Project Suggestions
AGCRC releases list of Multiyear Implementation Plan Request for Evaluation (RFE) Projects
AGCRC releases Project Evaluation and Selection Process
AGCRC soliciting proposals for Center of Excellence Research Grants Program
AGCRC releases Center of Excellence Competitive Process, Solicitation for Proposals
AGCRC releases Draft Project Selection Process Framework for First Round MIP Development for 30-day public comment
AGCRC releases Center of Excellence Draft Solicitation for Proposals and Draft Competitive Process for Selection for 45-day public comment
Governor Bentley Announces $9.6 Million for Gulf Restoration Projects in Alabama
U.S. court says BP 'grossly negligent' in 2010 spill, billions in fines loom
Treasury Issues RESTORE Act Rule to Help Aid Recovering of Gulf Coast Communities – August 13, 2014
BP digs in as last leg of Gulf oil spill trial approaches
Governor Bentley Announces Three Pilot Gulf Restoration Projects in Alabama
NFWF Announces $12.6 Million for Gulf Restoration Projects in Alabama
NFWF Announces More Than $100 Million for Restoration Projects on the Gulf Coast
AGCRC Releases Draft Restoration Project Information Sheet for 30-day Comment Period
BP Trial to Focus on Scientists' Spill Estimates
Treasury Issues Proposed RESTORE Act Regulation, Opens 60-Day Comment Period
Gulf Restoration Council Approves Initial Restoration Plan
Gulf Oil Spill Trial's 2nd Phase To Last 16 Days, Judge Says
Governor Bentley Signs Gulf State Park Legislation, Discusses Restoration Projects
Restore Act
The Council